

Trailer of a Pilot Tv show, produced/created by me

In the summer of 2023, I had the opportunity to present my concept for a TV show to the company where I was initially interning. After analyzing the media landscape in Russia, I decided to merge my personal interests with an existing market need. I noticed that while car-related content thrives on YouTube, there are very few car shows on television. This led me to pitch an idea inspired by Pimp My Ride, a show I loved watching on MTV as a kid.

However, looking back, I always questioned whether the modifications on Pimp My Ride were actual upgrades or unnecessary downgrades. Rewatching the show now, many of the designs feel more like something out of GTA, overloaded with excessive and impractical details. While the cars certainly stood out on the streets, they often sparked confusion rather than excitement.

My idea was to create a show that took a different approach—eliminating unnecessary modifications and focusing instead on restoring old cars by upgrading only essential features. The goal was to give each vehicle a new life with practical, meaningful improvements rather than flashy, over-the-top transformations. Additionally, the show would delve into each car’s history, tailoring the restoration to match the owner's taste. This vision became a reality thanks to a highly skilled host and an exceptional film crew, whom I was fortunate to find.